New Summer Holiday Timetable
This is our timetable for the summer holidays, based on feedback that we have had from our pool users.
The main highlights are:
We are offering morning sessions on Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun!!!!
Adult Only Sessions for those who don't want lanes, but also would prefer the peace and quiet of no children!
Parent and Toddler swim for those who have younger children
A second fun session in the morning each day
The afternoon fun swim is earlier and the general swim is later
30min quick dips for anyone who never stays an hour and wants a cheaper option
Evening lanes and classes will be starting a little earlier
Aquacircuits is moving to a friday evening
There are more options for private hires and half pool hires! But remember, we are happy to design bespoke hires if you want different lengths, times or days
This new timetable will be trialled and sessions will be removed if they prove too quiet, so make sure you use the sessions you want to!
You can book here!